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Here’s why a MolliVita Water Softener Warranty has huge value

Here’s why a MolliVita Water Softener Warranty has huge value

MolliVita Water Softeners are popular because they are easy to operate, reliable and competitively priced. On the rare occasions when something goes wrong, however, it’s best to be prepared.

An extended warranty is designed to offer you complete protection, in the unlikely event of the product breaking down.

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Can Water Be Too Soft?

Can Water Be Too Soft?

We’ve shared a lot of information about water hardness and how, in the south of England, water tends to be hard just about everywhere – in many areas exceptionally so. But what about soft water? Is there a point where water can actually be too soft? In this blog we will delve into this in a little more detail.

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Affordability of Water Softeners

Affordability of Water Softeners

With rocketing energy bills and fuel prices, along with the weekly food shop burning a hole in the credit card, it’s more important than ever to take stock of the cost of living.  

What exactly are we spending and where does the money go each month? What represents good value? Indeed, what do we consider to be essential expenditure, as opposed to affordable luxuries?

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PFAS In Water – What Is It And How Can I Get Rid Of It?

PFAS In Water – What Is It And How Can I Get Rid Of It?

PFAS “forever” chemicals are known to be highly dangerous to humans – even though our mains water supply is full of them. Used in food and industrial technologies, these chemicals are known to cause cancer, miscarriages and are likely to be present in almost every person’s blood supply. The UK Government has been slow to respond to calls for nationwide PFAS water testing. Environmental organisations, like Greenpeace and Chem Trust, say urgent action is required to prevent further exposure.

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Eczema, Your Children and Soft Water

Eczema, Your Children and Soft Water

At SJ Water Softeners, we have had personal, first-hand experience of how eczema can impact the younger generation and we are convinced that soft water can play a key part in helping eczema sufferers overcome or significantly reduce its distressing effects.

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The Myth About Flow Rates

The Myth About Flow Rates

From time to time, we get asked about whether water softeners can affect flow rates...  Often this occurs when a customer has read through a manufacturer’s literature, making claims that their water softeners won’t just improve the flow rate but that their softeners...

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Water Surprise! It’s Easy And Advantageous Being Green

Water Surprise! It’s Easy And Advantageous Being Green

Climate Change is clearly one of the biggest issues of our time - but as consumers caught up in the debate, it’s easy to feel powerless. Even if you are keen to play your part in being environmentally responsible, you’d be forgiven for thinking that, in the grander...

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What Is A Whole House Water Filter System?

What Is A Whole House Water Filter System?

Think of a whole house water filter system as the gateway to your property. The filter is positioned to treat the water at the point the mains supply enters your home – ensuring that wherever the water flows after that point, the vast majority of its contaminants are...

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Can I Use Soft Water In My Fish Tank Or Fish Pond?

Can I Use Soft Water In My Fish Tank Or Fish Pond?

Whether you are the proud owner of a fish tank full of goldfish or you have something more exotic, like koi carp, swimming about in the garden pond, making sure that your aquatic pets stay in optimum health can be a delicate balance.    For both regular...

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Installed in the Royal Suite at Buckingham Palace

Preventing scale in hot water systems as the chain expands

Installing water softeners for NHS Home Kidney Dialysis

Delivering soft water to London’s most luxurious hotel

Soft water for this forward-thinking restaurant & bar

Beautiful food, beer and soft water for The Chantry

A highly reviewed Italian restaurant know the benefits soft water can bring

Cheswood Lee Apartments in Worthing have soft water on tap

Royal Garden Hotel are now enjoying the benefits of soft water

Darlington Court care home had a softener installed recently

Bringing authentic Spanish Tapas to Brighton since 2009, now with soft water!

C&C window cleaners are now serving their customers with soft water

The University of Chichester are now loving the benefits soft water can bring to their staff & students

These guys service, repair & supply equipment, often including softeners which are used for dishwashers, oven steamers & glass cleaners

They have two deli's in Central London and have just opened a restaurant in Chiswick which all utilise soft water

Itchenor Sailing Club are are one of the leading dinghy and keelboat sailing clubs in the UK, now benefiting from soft water