We’re just as passionate as Bear Grylls about good quality drinking water Short story | Full story | ConclusionIt’s great to see Bear Grylls getting behind the campaign for better quality drinking water. He’s recently teamed up with one of the big corporates, to...
Please get in touch if you can’t find the answer you’re looking for
Here’s why a MolliVita Water Softener Warranty has huge value
MolliVita Water Softeners are popular because they are easy to operate, reliable and competitively priced. On the rare occasions when something goes wrong, however, it’s best to be prepared.
An extended warranty is designed to offer you complete protection, in the unlikely event of the product breaking down.
Support your local butcher, baker or candlestick maker
As consumers, we are all trying our best to negotiate a way through the economic situation in which we find ourselves. And caught up in the middle of all this are small businesses.
How to Keep Glass Clean in the Dishwasher
We look at what you can do to your dishwasher to ensure it cleans those glasses the way you want them!
Why does Limescale Build Up in your Central Heating System?
Limescale is especially prevalent – and damaging – to your central heating system. Here’s what happens during the cycle of heating and cooling water in the system.
Soft Water in the Home = £1000 more in Your Pocket
For years, we’ve been advocating the multiple benefits associated with softened water flowing into your home.
Now, additional research suggests that, by having a water softener in your property, it could amount to an annual household saving of at least £1000.
Can Water Be Too Soft?
We’ve shared a lot of information about water hardness and how, in the south of England, water tends to be hard just about everywhere – in many areas exceptionally so. But what about soft water? Is there a point where water can actually be too soft? In this blog we will delve into this in a little more detail.
A Warm Welcome From The Famous Five!
Here we are – the people who make it all possible, the beating heart of Scott Jenkins Water Softeners.
From left to right, meet Lauren, Luke, Scott and Kristie.
Mrs Hinch-inspired Limescale Cleaning Tips Are Good – But Never As Effective As Water Softeners
Despite Mrs Hinch’s praiseworthy cleaning tips, at the end of the day – no matter what you clean with – limescale will always keep returning. The only way to stop it for good is to get rid of hard water in your home altogether. The only way to do that is to have a water softener installed.
MolliEco – Your Discount Water Softener For A Lifetime
Looking for a Discount Water Softener that stands the test of time?
It’s finally here! The MolliVita, exclusively available to the UK market through Scott Jenkins Water Softeners.
A permanent soft water system for your home that we’re proud to have helped create.
Affordability of Water Softeners
With rocketing energy bills and fuel prices, along with the weekly food shop burning a hole in the credit card, it’s more important than ever to take stock of the cost of living.
What exactly are we spending and where does the money go each month? What represents good value? Indeed, what do we consider to be essential expenditure, as opposed to affordable luxuries?
Can I Have A Water Softener Installed Far Away From The Stopcock?
In many homes, it isn’t always possible to fit a water softener right next to the stop cock. This is usually because where the stopcock is positioned, there isn’t sufficient space next to it to install the water softener. This needn’t be a problem,...
Scott Jenkins Water Softeners are long standing Checkatrade-approved suppliers
We were delighted to receive confirmation this week that the Scott Jenkins Water Softeners business has been recognised as an Approved Member of Checkatrade for over 10 years. In fact, we’ve been members since 2008, so we are certainly long standing...
Make Sure Your Soft Water Is “Green” – If You See What We Mean!
The link between soft water and being green, which we are referring to, is all about looking after the environment and what we can do in our daily lives to be more sustainable. The disturbing effects of climate change are largely due to the amount of carbon dioxide being belched out into the atmosphere.
Installing a Water Softener Is Actually Very Simple (And Not Time-Consuming!)
If you’ve ever had tradesmen in your home – perhaps a plumber, electrician or a painter and decorator – it can be disruptive and even daunting. In a way, it feels like an invasion of your privacy and, nine times out of ten, the work takes longer than you’d...
PFAS In Water – What Is It And How Can I Get Rid Of It?
PFAS “forever” chemicals are known to be highly dangerous to humans – even though our mains water supply is full of them. Used in food and industrial technologies, these chemicals are known to cause cancer, miscarriages and are likely to be present in almost every person’s blood supply. The UK Government has been slow to respond to calls for nationwide PFAS water testing. Environmental organisations, like Greenpeace and Chem Trust, say urgent action is required to prevent further exposure.
Quooker Added To The SJ Water Softeners Premium Brand Selection
Can softened water be connected to Quooker Taps? Absolutely they can! In fact, we’d go so far as to say that if you’ve gone to the trouble of having a Quooker installed, you should go the whole hog and get a water softener fitted at the same time.
Eczema, Your Children and Soft Water
At SJ Water Softeners, we have had personal, first-hand experience of how eczema can impact the younger generation and we are convinced that soft water can play a key part in helping eczema sufferers overcome or significantly reduce its distressing effects.
5 Star Thumbs Up from Good Homes Magazine for Kinetico’s Premier Compact Water Softener
We are proud of the water softeners we sell and are always delighted to recommend them to our customers. So, it is always good to see independent, third-party reviews from respected magazines, like Good Homes, who’ve recently given a big thumbs-up to one of our...
Beware! Try To Avoid Being Lured Into Buying a Water Softener Where You Don’t Get To Choose Your Salt
In recent times, we are starting to notice a worrying trend creeping into the water softener industry – and we feel it would be helpful to customers to make you aware of what seems to be happening. It appears certain manufacturers are heavily promoting particular...
How Scott Jenkins Water Softeners’ Expertise Came To Checkatrade’s Aid
We are big fans of Checkatrade. As a company that’s in the business of providing a trade to consumers, we believe that their organisation provides an invaluable watchdog-style service. It helps customers sort the wheat from the chaff and select the most appropriate...
What To Do With Your Drinking Water System If You Are Gone For A Long Time
If you have a filtered drinking water system in your home and you are wondering what you should do with it if you are going to be away for an extended period, then this should prove helpful. By an extended period, we are referring to anything over a month or...
Revealed – The Cause Of Those Mysterious Pink Stains
It might not be quite as weird as a UFO sighting, but when pink stains keep mysteriously showing up on your kitchen and bathroom surfaces, it can make you wonder where on earth they came from! And here’s the thing. You could keep the cleanest of homes,...
The Myth About Flow Rates
From time to time, we get asked about whether water softeners can affect flow rates... Often this occurs when a customer has read through a manufacturer’s literature, making claims that their water softeners won’t just improve the flow rate but that their softeners...
Water Surprise! It’s Easy And Advantageous Being Green
Climate Change is clearly one of the biggest issues of our time - but as consumers caught up in the debate, it’s easy to feel powerless. Even if you are keen to play your part in being environmentally responsible, you’d be forgiven for thinking that, in the grander...
Reverse Osmosis – What’s It All About And How It Can Improve Drinking Water Quality
When it comes to filtering your water, the reverse osmosis process provides just about the best type of filtration going. It’s highly effective at removing virtually every known pollutant you are likely to find in the mains water supply.
Water Softener Services for Housebuilders and Property Developers
Gone are the days when water softeners were seen as exclusive, luxury items. Today, more and more housebuilders – both large and small – are opting to pre-install water softeners in their new-build or refurbished properties. So, it’s no coincidence...
Here’s Why An Outside Cabinet Could Be The Perfect Spot For Your Water Softener
If you don’t have the room or configuration indoors to house a water softener, a sturdy, frost-resistant external cabinet can be relied on to provide the perfect home for your soft water system – whatever the weather. What are the benefits of Outside...
What Is A Whole House Water Filter System?
Think of a whole house water filter system as the gateway to your property. The filter is positioned to treat the water at the point the mains supply enters your home – ensuring that wherever the water flows after that point, the vast majority of its contaminants are...
Can I Use Soft Water In My Fish Tank Or Fish Pond?
Whether you are the proud owner of a fish tank full of goldfish or you have something more exotic, like koi carp, swimming about in the garden pond, making sure that your aquatic pets stay in optimum health can be a delicate balance. For both regular...

Installed in the Royal Suite at Buckingham Palace

Preventing scale in hot water systems as the chain expands

Installing water softeners for NHS Home Kidney Dialysis

Delivering soft water to London’s most luxurious hotel

Soft water for this forward-thinking restaurant & bar

Beautiful food, beer and soft water for The Chantry

A highly reviewed Italian restaurant know the benefits soft water can bring

Cheswood Lee Apartments in Worthing have soft water on tap

Royal Garden Hotel are now enjoying the benefits of soft water

Darlington Court care home had a softener installed recently

Bringing authentic Spanish Tapas to Brighton since 2009, now with soft water!

C&C window cleaners are now serving their customers with soft water

The University of Chichester are now loving the benefits soft water can bring to their staff & students

These guys service, repair & supply equipment, often including softeners which are used for dishwashers, oven steamers & glass cleaners

They have two deli's in Central London and have just opened a restaurant in Chiswick which all utilise soft water

Itchenor Sailing Club are are one of the leading dinghy and keelboat sailing clubs in the UK, now benefiting from soft water