If you enjoy luxuriating in a bath full of lovely bubbles, are you being constantly disappointed by the lack of lingering lather? Bubbles that disappear as quickly as they arrived. And you’re left lying there wondering where they all went.
You might question the quality of the products you are putting into the water – but the chances are it won’t be anything that they’ve done wrong that’s losing you your bubbles.
The reason for your lack lustre, froth-free water is almost certainly down to the water itself!
The south east of England is renowned for its hard water and, if your mains water supply hasn’t been “tenderized” by a water softener then, we are sorry to say, banishing bubbles are always going to be on the cards for your bath.
That’s why in hotels and spa retreats, with all their wonderfully exotic potions, you will often experience the best of bath times. It’s got nothing to do with the magic ingredients they provide for you. It’s all about the softness of the water, enabling their products to thrive.
Why does soft water create more bubbles?
Simply put, a bath filled with softened water will produce a lather that lasts because the water won’t have been subjected to the compounds that you get in hard water. It is these compounds, like calcium and magnesium, that will inevitably win the day – over all those wonderful ingredients you’ve been chucking into the water for that bubbly effect.
Not only do you get a more satisfying bath with soft water, you will also spend far less money on bathing products. This is because they will last much longer than if they were forever be washed away by hard water.
How can soft water make bath time a wonderful time?
A water softener installed in your property will efficiently remove the calcium and magnesium from the water supply, so that it returns to its natural soft state. When water falls as a rain, it’s soft. The hardness occurs when it mixes with our chalky soil, which is so prevalent in Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire.
With a water softener, never again will you experience an underwhelming bath. You’ll get a beautiful lather which will last and last – certainly a heck of a lot longer than it will take for the bath water to go cold!
The additional benefit is that soft water doesn’t leave any soap scum residue and tide marks, meaning it’s much easier to keep your bathroom clean.
Why be all washed up by hard water? There are so many ways your household can win with a water softener installed. And, as far as bath time is concerned, soft water will definitely keep those bubbles alive!
If you have been considering having a water softener installed but weren’t sure whether to proceed at the current time, please feel free to call me, Scott Jenkins, at SJ Water Softeners, the number one local supplier for West Sussex (and parts of Hampshire and Surrey) on 01243 607494 or via email: scott@sjbs.info