3 month water softener trial, with no obligation to buy.
Completely free for 3 months
No obligation to buy the softener after the trial
No installation fee
We’re so confident in the benefits of soft water, that we’re offering new customers a no-catch 3 month trial.
We’ll arrive at your property and install the water softener most suitable for you. We’ll then arrange a call after 3 months to see how you’ve gotten on with it, and if indeed you’d like to go ahead and purchase the softener and keep it in situ. If it hasn’t been all that you were hoping for or if it’s simply not for you, no problem! We will take the softener away, put all your pipework back to the way it was originally, and you won’t have to pay a penny.
This is a fantastic offer for anyone who has been umm-ing and ahh-ing about whether a water softener is worth it!
Sign up for your free trial
We help people who care about their health and their home.
A water softener will give you...
See for yourself the difference between hard and soft water