Linden Homes have a fine selection of new build developments in the area in which Scott Jenkins Water Softeners are particularly active. 

On offer is an attractive mixture of nicely appointed 2,3 or 4-bedroom homes.  But currently, they are all short of one key ingredient – a water softener!

This is quite surprising, given that this part of the south-east is renowned for being such a hard water area. Thankfully, as one of the most respected, customer-focussed soft water system specialists in the south-east of England, we are in the perfect position to ensure new Linden homeowners have a top-notch, cost effective water softener in place – from day one. This can benefit you in so many ways. Read on to discover the full story.  

Linden Homes New Builds in West Sussex



Old Broyle Road, Chichester, West Sussex, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 3PH

3 & 4 bedroom properties



4 bedroom homes



Crawley Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 0AJ

4 bedroom properties

Sayers Common


Sayers Common, Hassocks, West Sussex, BN6 9HT

2, 3, 4 & 5 bedroom properties  

For new Property homeowners, water softeners are VAT exempt 

It’s worth knowing that, if you are on the verge of moving into a brand-new Linden home, by having a water softener fitted at this time you’ll be in line for an immediate 20% price reduction on the softener. 

That’s good news! 

So why is this? Well, as long as the property you are buying has yet to be signed off, by choosing to have a water softener installed before this happens, it means you qualify for a VAT exemption on the water softener. In effect, it is zero rated for VAT purposes. 

This is because water softeners are classed as white goods – like fridges and washing machines – which means they are VAT exempt in new build homes. 

Moving into a pristine new property is a time of great excitement. By taking full advantage and going for a high quality, energy saving water softener from the outset, you will have even more reason to celebrate.   

Claiming your 20% VAT exemption

By have a water softener installed prior to moving in, you are entitled to claim a VAT refund from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). To ensure you receive the refund, you must apply within 3 months of the building project being completed. 

It’s important to know that for the water softener installation to be zero-rated for VAT, it must be fitted during the building stage of your new home, or very closely related to it, so that it can be seen as work done ‘in the course of construction’.

It isn’t possible to claim zero-rate VAT on the water softener installation after the new build is finished – so start making your plans as soon as possible, if you want to take full advantage. 

If you are uncertain how to go about claiming back your 20% VAT rebate, don’t worry. We’ve helped many customers over the years with this process and we will be pleased to guide you through the paperwork.

The water in Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey is famously hard – why is this?         

Throughout much of the south-east – particularly in more coastal regions, and further inland as well – living with hard water is a way of life for many people. It’s not the fault of the rain we receive. In fact, rainwater is naturally soft. The main cause of hard water is the soil beneath our feet.    

West and East Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey are counties that sit predominantly on soil comprised of chalk or limestone. This type of soil contains an abundance of calcium and magnesium minerals. Anytime rainfall reaches the underlay, the calcium and magnesium components get to work and have the effect of changing soft water hard. It’s what nature does!   

Water hardness levels do vary throughout the region. Nevertheless, they are typically in excess of 250 parts per million (ppm) in many places – often higher still. In terms of the water hardness scale, readings above 200ppm are classed as hard and 300ppm is exceptionally hard. Or tin hat in the shower time! However, with a water softener in your home, these levels drop to virtually zero.    

Here’s why water softeners improve your lifestyle 

If you are a homeowner and aren’t overly impressed with persistently hard water flowing from your taps, the sensible solution is to opt for a water softener. You’ll see the benefits from the word go! For a start, skin and hair love soft water! Softened water helps them retain their natural shine and vibrancy, whereas hard water just washes the living daylights out of everything. This is why laundry always feels much softer to the touch with soft water coursing the system.     

And when it comes to cleaning around the home, water softeners are your best friend! Hard water is the main cause of limescale, which you can never keep at bay, no matter how much you clean. Water softeners stop limescale build-up in its tracks, preventing scale accumulation in all your everyday household appliances, like washing machines, dishwashers and kettles. Cleaning kitchens and bathrooms also becomes much less onerous with soft water around. It means less elbow grease and less expense. Surfaces look shinier and stay that way for much longer – and you’ll discover that it takes less detergent for the required effect.   

Reduce your energy bills by having a water softener installed

If you have a water softener fitted before you even move into your brand-new Linden home, you’ll be saving money from day one. That’s because the water softener will prevent limescale from ever accumulating in the central heating system. Over a short period of time, often as little as six months, hard water causing limescale will clog up and seriously downgrade the boiler’s performance. It will also seriously shorten its lifespan. And these are expensive pieces of kit to repair and replace!  

Without hard water around, central heating systems and household appliances perform far more efficiently – for much longer. Since your central heating system won’t be impeded by limescale, this means it won’t have to work nearly as hard to pump out the correct amount of heat and hot water – protecting your hard-earned money. 

You’ll have your new water softener to thank for all that. It’ll make your new Linden home even more special!   

For further information or to book your installation time, call SJ Water Softeners today on 01243 607494 or email or