At SJ Water Softeners, we sell the two smartest makes of softeners on the market today – EcoWater and Kinetico. In this article, we’ll be focussing specifically on EcoWater.
The eVOLUTION system from EcoWater
Today’s technology offers an unprecedented amount of control and flexibility within our daily lives, including in the way we run our homes.
The water softener technology available from EcoWater is a prime example.
The company’s eVOLUTION system uses state-of-the-art water softening technology and unique smart software, to provide the ultimate in reliability, efficiency and convenience.
eVOLUTION water softeners are designed to run at optimal efficiency, in terms of both salt and the water they use during regeneration. Compared to a basic block salt softener system, your running costs could reduce by up to 50% per year!
Using smart design and smart technology, the eVOLUTION range offers long-lasting, cost-effective solutions tailored to your lifestyle, to suit any size of home and number of occupants. And it’s all based around your patterns of water usage. For a family of four, the average running costs for one of these EcoWater softeners will typically be just £6.50 per month.
In return, you will always have soft water when you need it.
EcoWater’s Intelligent Volumetric Control
With Ecowater, your water softener is managed by smart software and will adapt itself automatically to optimal settings, based on your water consumption.
With a high contrast graphic display with extended display information, it’s simple to use. For instance, the water softener, using a real time sensor, will automatically indicate when it needs more salt. And a light will illuminate the salt tank when opening the lid.
What makes EcoWater products so Reliable?
- They have very few moving parts and operate using almost exclusively corrosion free materials, to avoid wear and tear
- They feature high flow rates with rare drops in pressure, ensuring there is no interruption to water flow
- They use tablet salt – which is considerably cheaper than block salt
- Your water is controlled by Wi-Fi
- The multi-wrap fibreglass reinforced resin tank comes with a 10-year warranty.
- Overall, they offer the most cost-efficient and long-lasting solution to hard water problems.
The EcoWater Wi-Fi Function
Although eVOLUTION softeners work perfectly well without a Wi-Fi connection, for convenient monitoring and management, a standard Wi-Fi function allows you to connect your eVOLUTION softener to your Wi-Fi network. This can be via your PC, tablet or smartphone.
By using customised alert messages, your softener can warn you via text messages or e-mail when the salt level is low, or if potential issues are detected, such as where there is a continuous water flow above normal usage.
You can also remotely launch a regeneration or adjust your alert settings.
Meanwhile, a simple and secure online dashboard provides appliance information at a glance, such as the number of days until the salt tank will be empty, a recharging schedule and your water usage.
EcoWater Softeners offer Remote Support
In the unlikely event of there being a problem with your EcoWater softener, you can also grant remote access to EcoWater’s technical team. In which case, they can make the initial diagnosis for you, without you having to stay at home and wait for a call out. They can provide as much support as is needed from distance.
You can even go a step further with the eVOLUTION Refiner
With its in-built carbon activated system, the eVOLUTION Refiner won’t simply soften the water by removing magnesium and calcium, it will also remove other impurities which crop up in the water supply.
The following elements are removed from your water by the EcoWater Refiner 300 and 500 water softeners
Chlorine, Large organic molecules, Trihalomethanes Carbon tetrachloride, Tetrachloroethylene, Toluene, Trichloroethane, Vinyl chlorides, Methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE), Pesticides, Phenol, Herbicides, Benzene, Solvents, Xylenes and about 50 volatile organic chemicals (VOCs)
Whole House Filter Systems
Before we finish the video, there is another option that you might like to consider. What if you’d like to filter the nasty elements from your water supply but you don’t have sufficient space in your property to accommodate a EcoWater Refiner 300 or 500 water softener? Well, as an alternative, it’s perfectly possible for us to install a whole house water filter system, using a highly effective carbon filter.
It could be something you might like to consider. We can advise as to the best option to suit your lifestyle and budget.
EcoWater is the future
On so many levels, as far as water softener technology is concerned, there is no doubt that the sophistication offered by EcoWater is the future. Currently, there are seven fabulous eVOLUTION Water Softeners from EcoWater in our shop, ranging in price from £1245 for the most compact version through to £1670 for householders requiring heavy duty usage. So, there’s an eVOLUTION softener designed to suit every situation!
Scott Jenkins Water Softeners – successfully managing your soft water consumption
If you live in West or East Sussex, Hampshire or Surrey, SJ Water Softeners are the region’s leading suppliers of high-quality water softeners, filters and everything associated with successfully managing the consumption of soft water – reliably, cost effectively and, where required, remotely. We look forward to being of service.
For more detailed information about our EcoWater Water Softeners check out this YouTube video.