There’s no denying that we live in strange and uncertain times. Coronavirus seems to have turned the world on its head – and we certainly aren’t immune here in the south of England by any stretch.
That said, in times of crisis, people learn to be resourceful and to find ways of adapting to unusual circumstances.
I am not old enough (thankfully!) to remember the War, but the spirit which was generated amongst the British population throughout that dreadful conflict was inspiring.
Of course, with COVID-19 we don’t have to cope with bombs raining down on us, but it is true that we need to be vigilant and responsible.
Nevertheless, whatever is meant by the “new normal”, life goes on. And the longer this “new normal” prevails, the more we learn to adapt and to take things in our stride.
Throughout these last few months, since the outbreak of the virus, my water softener business has continued to operate within the imposed nationwide restrictions. There has been a noticeable upturn in activity since the worst days of lockdown, however, when everyone was ordered to stay indoors.
Since then, relative freedom has returned, which has made it much easier to conduct home visits and to carry out new installations, service and maintenance calls. And, of course, we have been here, as usual, to handle all enquiries and deliveries regarding salt supply.
One question that I have been asked a lot in recent weeks is whether I am currently able to install new water softeners and whether it is safe for me to do so.
Understandably, some sections of the community are more susceptible to contracting coronavirus than others but, by and large, there is no real reason why you can’t have a water softener installed at the present time.
Here’s why:
When I carry out an installation, it’s just me. There isn’t an army of workers who’ll be traipsing through your home whilst the work is carried out.
Generally, the installation will take no more than a couple of hours, or half a day – so there will be minimal disruption.
I wear a face mask at all times.
You needn’t even be in the same room during the installation. Maintaining social distancing is really never an issue.
Unless there is any medical reason why I shouldn’t enter your property (you are self-isolating or tested positive for the coronavirus), then it should be business as usual.
We will take all the necessary precautions to ensure that any work is handled in a safe and responsible manner.
Meanwhile, we are keeping a close eye on current Government guidelines surrounding COVID-19 and will ensure that we adhere to all social distancing requirements.
Despite these safeguards, if you would prefer to have an initial chat via a video call regarding our water softener and filtration products and how they might benefit you, then this can be easily arranged. Simply call us on 01243 607494 in the first instance.
The bottom line is, don’t let the virus prevent you from enjoying the benefits of having soft water in your home. You might not be able to take that long-awaited foreign holiday this year, but at least you don’t need to forego a wonderful new water softener. And unlike a holiday, which may only last a week or two, your water softener should serve you well for years and years.
If you have been considering having a water softener installed but weren’t sure whether to proceed at the current time, please feel free to call me, Scott Jenkins, at SJ Water Softeners, the number one local supplier for West Sussex (and parts of Hampshire and Surrey) on 01243 607494 or via email: