Even where manufacturers do have a direct sales force, almost without fail,
they will also have a dealer network acting in support. So you have to ask, why
would a manufacturer go to the trouble of appointing dealers if they already
have a team selling direct to the consumer? Surely, they’d end up being in
competition with one other! The answer is that dealers are there for a reason:

  1. They are a key extension of the company’s sales and service operation;
  2. More often than not, dealers will be much better placed geographically to inter
    face on a day-to-day basis with customers who are “on their patch”;
  3. You might even find that a manufacturer will advise you to go to their locally
    approved dealer for their product range.
    Extended Warranties
    Warranties are another factor. We can’t speak on behalf of other dealers, but
    we automatically provide our customers with 10 year warranties on all parts on
    all makes of water softener. You may be surprised to learn that these will
    sometimes exceed the length of the guarantees you would receive direct from
    the manufacturer.
    Customer Service
    Service is a major consideration – perhaps the biggest single reason why you
    might be best advised to go to a dealer rather than a manufacturer. We don’t
    pretend to be perfect, but we will always respond promptly. The whole point of
    being a dealer is to provide your local customer base with a preferential
    service. You shouldn’t be just a number. If something goes wrong, invariably we
    would have someone to you within hours, or the next day at the latest. If you
    were reliant on a manufacturer should there be an issue with your soft water
    system, the likelihood is that they would be travelling some distance from their
    head office to get to you. You might have to wait a number of days before one
    of their service engineers had a slot in the diary to come out and fix the
    problem. We certainly aren’t saying manufacturers are unreliable – far from it
    – but you would be fortunate to get the same level of timely and seamless
    service that you would be offered from a reputable and conscientious dealer.

In summary, if cost is your overriding consideration, then by all means seek out
what a manufacturer can offer you. But what you might gain on the swings you
could lose on the roundabouts. Water softeners need regular upkeep and
maintenance so, when the chips are down, you might be thankful for having
purchased your product from a local dealer who will know you and have your
long-term interests at heart.
For all product, installation and service enquiries,
please contact Scott Jenkins Water Softeners
the No. 1 local supplier for West Sussex (and parts of Hampshire and
Surrey) on
01243 607494 or via email: scott@sjbs.info